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Team Liquid entrevista a Dustin Browder

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009 Comments off

Desde Team Liquid nos ofrecen esta entrevista a Dustin Browder para darnos a conocer un poco mas sobre la «parte de atrás» del desarrollo del Starcraft 2.

Aquí tenéis un extracto:

TL: To follow that up, what types of challenges do you face when trying to balance the needs of the casual player versus the rage of hardcore players like in the progaming community. You had mentioned the macro mechanics being a big one.

DB: Sure that’s definitely a big one – it’s a place where we feel we can definitely do better but it then does break other systems. You know a great example I love reading on Teamliquid and elsewhere were not so much that you guys were missing clicks – some people said that and I didn’t agree with that – but that we were missing the difference between a macro player and a micro player. That we were destroying the sense of style of the player. I could be playing a micro game and you could be playing a macro game with both the same race, and we are still playing a very different game from one another. And when I saw that I was like “Ohh!” I was opening my eyes like “Thanks! THERE IT IS! That’s great! That’s genius! That’s exactly what we need to try to accomplish”.

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